Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First Love Letter

Grace comes home the other day and wants to sit down with me a talk. So we walk over to the living room and plop ourselves down. After a little while she looks at me and smiles. "What?" I ask her. "I think John Tyler is cute!" AHHHHHH! She did not just say that. I can't believe that my first grader has her first crush. What happened to the good old days where boys were gross? Well I didn't say that to her I just smiled and replied, " I bet he is." Then she is off running around the house with her pixie like mischief. Later she came to me asking for a pencil. I found her one and watched as she sat down on the stool at the counter. Then I went about my business cooking dinner. A little later she ask, " How do you spell John Tyler?" I tell her and ask why. "Oh, because I am writing him a note." " You are? Why?" I ask. "Well..." she smiles. "He is my friend." " Do you mind if I ask what you wrote him?" She stands up and through grinning teeth says "It says,'John Tyler I like you." She then presents the note for me to see. Upon reading her note I have to leave the room for laughing, not wanting her to think I was making fun of her. When I recovered I walked back in the room to explain to her that she has a misspelled a word that would cause great confusion if she gave him the note. It read John Tyler I lick you. She had added a "c' and dropped the 'e' changing like to lick. I don't think that would have went over well at all or communicated her feelings. She really laughed hard at her mistake thankfully. Then Jason And I had a heart to heart about boys with her. Wow, I can't believe I'm having to have the talk about letting boys do the pursuing already. They grow up so quickly. Lord help me!!!

1 comment:

  1. how cute! So cool that you sat down with her and talked too.
