Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Potty Training

There is nothing like having a toddler. Every day they discover something new and everything is a grand adventure. But those adventures can be very troublesome for adults. The mess that I have to clean up and the danger that I have to keep him from can leave one feeling tired and overwhelmed sometimes. But there are those moments when they discover something that will leaving you chuckling about it for days.
Yesterday was one of those days. It all started a few weeks ago when my family and I had to make a quick trip home to Georgia. Now you have to understand that Noah has been potty trained since around May, but he has never done it the "big boy way " and stood up to "go". Well on this trip there is about an hour stretch where there is not on off ramp. It is just a log wooded road. It so happened that on this stretch that Noah really had to "go". So Jason pulls over to the side of the road and lets him "go" standing up. Well this amazed him and opened a whole new world to him. So since then we have been letting him "go" like a big guy. Things have been going great with this even to the point that we let him go into the bathroom by himself when he needs to use the potty.
Yesterday the kids were playing in the other room when I hear Noah shout, "I gotta go potty!!!!" Then he runs into his bathroom. So I walk down the hall to check on him. There I find him like a good boy standing on his stool using the potty. Then he does something odd. He stopped what he was doing and checked over both shoulder to see if anyone was watching him. ( He could not see me.) Noah then proceeds to spray down the entire bathroom while making firetruck noises. "Woooooo, woooooo..." he says as he hoses down the bathtub and sink. Of course I pop into the bathroom where he can see me and put an end to his fire fighting day dreams. And after I cleaned up the mess and talk to him about his bad choice I had a good laugh at his little escapade. Oh the joy of potty training a boy.