Friday, August 20, 2010

Can you say that in English

My two year old son loves to talk. I mean it is none stop. When ever he is quite, look out because you know that he is up to something. He also speaks incredibly well for his age. Most words come out crystal clear. However there are those time that he needs an interpreter for you to fully grasp the full meaning of what he is saying. This past week was one of those times. My husband had traveled up to Cartersville, Georgia to take care of some family business for a few days and we all went along with him. While we were there Jason and I took one of his brothers to dinner and we left the kids with his mother. After we were gone Beth had taken the kids outside to play and their uncle Jeff had stopped by with his daughter. For a long time Noah had been playing great. That is until they got out the bug spray. The mosquitoes were feasting on everyone. So Beth sprayed all the kids down and sent them back to playing. After only a few minutes Noah came running back to them and spouted off his request. Well Beth and Jeff had no clue as to what he was saying so they asked him to repeat it. He did very cheerfully. They still didn't understand what he was asking for. So Noah repeated himself several more times. Each time he had to repeat himself he got a little more indignant. And each time Beth and Jeff got a little more frustrated since they really wanted to know what he was saying. Finally Noah had had it. He looked them square in the eye and said, " What I mean is I aunt sum ore ug ay!" He put his hands on his hips speaking as slow and enunciated as he could. Well Beth and Jeff still had no clue as to what he was asking, but at this point they were laughing hysterically at him. The first part of the sentence came out clear as a bell, but the rest was just gibberish to them. Noah was indignant. He thought he was speaking so clearly. I mean how could they not understand. Beth told us later that he was looking at them like they were slow because they just couldn't get it. Finally they understood what he was asking when he pointed to a bug bite on his leg. " I want some more bug spray."

This applies so well to our lives. Many time we think that we couldn't be any clearer, but those around us still misunderstand us and misinterpret what we say. I think some times we all needed an interpreter and a little grace. Let try to find the humor in those moments and work through it until we all come to an understanding.

1 comment:

  1. love it! Amazing parallel and cute little boy!!
