Friday, July 30, 2010

Hearing from God

This happened a few months ago so please allow me to digress.

It is every mother's dream for their children to grow up to be independent and hear from God. When this happens you know that they will be OK because the choices that they make are based on obedience to what God has said. You just never expect really to hear the words "God told me" to come out of the mouth of a kindergartner. I don't know why it comes as a surprise really. I mean we pray that they will know God at a young age, that God will use them, but when a six year old comes home saying God has spoken to them we doubt the authenticity of this. Why? I guess sometimes we doubt the power of our prayers. Now the following story is completely true, but weather or not Grace really heard from God... I guess only time will tell.

It was late spring when Grace came home from school full of excitement. "How was you day?" I asked as I picked her up from school. "Good," she replied. I could tell she had something to say so I pressed her farther. "Soooo, what happened to day?" That's when she spilled the beans.
"God spoke to me today!" she blurted out.
"Really?! What did he say?"
"Well, I was laying on my mat at nap time and God told me who I was going to marry."
"Yep, I was looking at John Tyler and God said, 'Grace you are going to marry John Tyler'."
"God, Told you that?"
"How do you know that it was God?"
" Because I heard him in my thoughts .... and I just knew it was him."
"OK, well you have a LONG time before you have to worry about that. So lets keep praying about it and wait and see."
"OK, but I know what God told me."

Thankfully she is only six so I don't have to worry about wedding bells anytime soon. But it really thought me something about myself. If I pray that my children will hear God and obey him...then I should expect to hear them tell me that they have heard from Him. Now I'm not saying that God told her who she was going to marry, but I'm not saying he didn't. Only she knows if she did. And if in 20 years she does marry him then I know she did hear from Him. I just have to keep praying that they will hear and obey, and that all other voices will be silenced.


  1. Hi Erin, I am a friend of your mom's and go to NP Church. I really like your blog and wanted to invite you to visit my sometime.
    Your post was really interesting to me because we have a soon to be 7 year old grandson, who talks to God all the time and sometimes hears from him.
    He came to his mom one night after his bath and said, "Mom, I was talking to God while I was taking my bath and I told him I wanted to travel all over and tell people about him. He told me to do that and I asked him if I could go to Hollywood and tell people about him there and he said that would be okay, as long as I tell people about him." Dana, is like you. She's not sure he heard from God but who's to say?

  2. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. glad you enjoyed it! What a cute story about your grandson! I am so glad you shared it. Thanks again.

  3. Erin - this was an adorable story to read! I don't remember thinking about who I was going to marry at 6 years old so perhaps there really is SOMEONE giving her that idea(-: I think it's awesome that you and Jason are still together and involved in the Church! And of course - have 3 beautiful little children!
